This new course is for those seekers who have completed all five Levels of the White Flame of Illumination Courses, who now wish to delve even deeper into the powerful Divine secrets.
We will explore and traverse ever further to unlock the Mysteries of Mysteries.
It will bring together the many different aspects, not only of previous civilizations, and the lost ancient knowledge, but it will also provide a deeper understanding of the Holy Grail.
That which was forgotten, and that which is now being revealed.
We will explore the Soul, the Soul Groups, the journeys of souls and the multiple tiers of Creation.
The Cosmic Hierarchy.
The Book of Love and the hidden timeless knowledge of the Ages.
The Sacred Knowledge that was first brought here to planet Earth, which is currently being returned for the New Golden Age.
Registration fee: $ 550.00
Duration: 6 weeks.
This includes a weekly written lesson which is emailed to you, plus a weekly Zoom Teachings session.