Soul Empowerment Level 3


The Level III Course is for those students who completed Soul Empowerment Levels I and II.

Level III is all about the Higher Transmitter Channels and how to open them up even further so that you can start tapping into the Higher Realms, and the Super-Consciousness Energy Fields. 

We connect at a much deeper and profound levels with the Archangels, Elohim and Elohim Counsel, the Co-Creator Angels and the Mahatma Energy, as we activate the Aquamarine Cosmic Rays, the Archangelic Cloaks, and Higher Chakras. 

We will shift deeper into the new energies now available to us, as we have stepped into the next Harmonic Conversion now in 2021, and the following will be in 2034.  The New Golden Age is indeed already here and we are now going to obtain the tools and the activations needed to stride further into the 5D and even up to the 7th.

I will go deeper into the untold history and the forgotten knowledge of the Ancient Mystery Schools of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom, and the Brother and Sisterhood of the Rose, the Serpent and the Sacred Grail. 

With it, we will explore the dragon energy with that of the elemental kingdom, plus the secret knowledge of Mother Earth and that of the Ancient Ones, who are the Higher Guides facilitating the transformation into higher dimensional states.   

This will be an exciting, life-changing, transformation journey for all who feel called to attend, and will be a preparation for the new Golden Age we are enjoying.

This is a 6-week course, and includes as usual a weekly teaching and mediation session on Zoom.

Important Notice:  A minimum number of students are required to enrol on the course for the advertised format to apply. However, should this occur, the enrolee would be fully entitled to partake in the next course of this nature.  Group participation is so essential and it is in our best interests that we gather in like-minded groups, and receive support within such a group. 

US $450.00

Availability: In Stock