Soul Empowerment Level 2


Level II adds to the foundations laid down by Level I course and expands the Energy centers of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. And introduces and expands on: 

The 12 chakras and opening up to the higher Transmitter channels via the Soul Star.

Opening to the up the Stellar Gateway and Earth Star so that you can receive and tap into the higher cosmic realms and own your cosmic citizenship.

 Building the Antakarana Bridge. 

The 12 Master Cosmic rays, the 72 Names of the Divine, and the higher levels of understanding Divinity, as well as the 354 levels thereof.

As the third eye is activated more and more, I also include how to channel.

Working with the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and their energy fields.

Important Notice:  A minimum number of students are required to enrol on the course for the advertised format to apply. However, should this occur, the enrolee would be fully entitled to partake in the next course of this nature.  Group participation is so essential and it is in our best interests that we gather in like-minded groups, and receive support within such a group. 

6 x weeks course @ $84 U.S. Dollars per week  
Total:  $500

US $450.00

Availability: In Stock