Soul Empowerment Level 1


Introduction to the Higher Realms:

This course gives you tools for life to apply daily, to reconnect not only to your own soul but to your angels, archangels, Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Hierarchy.  I have seen so many lives changed by this course when they follow the simple guidelines.  These courses are truly Soul Empowering!

In this introductory course, I present you to the 354 Levels of Divinity up to the Divine Source, and I give you life tools, while slowly and surely opening up your third eye and higher transmitter channels.  I introduce you to the angelic realms, the Archangels and provide an Archangelic Invocation, access to the Elohim and Elohim Counsels, the Mighty I am Presence - the Avatar of Synthesis, The Ascended Masters, and help you to open up your 12 Chakras and Soul Star.

You will also grow more familiar with The Monad, the Mahatma,  the 352 Levels of Divinity,  Angels, Archangels, Elohim, Ascended Masters, the Cosmic Universal, Galactic Hierarchy, the 12 and 24 Elders who surround the Throne of God, the Male and Female aspect of the Godhead and the threefold flame of Love, Power and Wisdom.

This course has been described as absolutely life-changing by participants.

Please note that this Course will start again in January 2022.

6 x week course @ $84 U.S. Dollars per week Total:  $500.00.  This includes written lessons I email to you every week.

Important Notice:  A minimum number of students are required to enrol on the course for the advertised format to apply. However, should this occur, the enrolee would be fully entitled to partake in the next course of this nature.  Group participation is so essential and it is in our best interests that we gather in like-minded groups, and receive support within such a group. 

US $450.00

Availability: In Stock