Twin Flames

Twin flames, is a term used for fractions of flames, within one single soul. A soul is made up of 12 such flames, and only one single flame mostly incarnates onto this planet.

However, because of Mother Gaia wishing to ascend into the higher state of consciousness, as is the whole Milky Way Galaxy, a special dispensation from the Lords of Karma, allowed more than one flame to incarnate at this time, in order to clear old karmic debts, and karmic links, cords, attachments etc. and give them an opportunity to work through all of this, so that they could be purified and merge with each other.

Today I wish to concentrate on a unique group of thousands of souls, who incarnated at the time of Mu, or Lemuria. These group of souls have specific karma to work through, which is uniquely their own, and is therefore not applicable to other twin flames, because of karma involved here.

At the time of Mu, or Lemuria, the world was in the 7th dimensional state. Therefore life existed at a much higher frequency band and vibratory state. The bodies were much lighter and thus life itself was totally different.

The souls who incarnated in Mu (I will for this purpose refer to Lemuria too as Mu, for they were the same civilization) were Androgynous Beings. Thus male and female in one single body or earthly form and there was then harmony and bliss, and they knew no other lifestyle, nor any other form of being. They were content and happy, and like innocent children in the sense, that they knew no difference in gender, as both were incorporated within themselves, and in perfect harmony with each other. Yin and Yang balanced – thus pain and hurt, separation, in any form was unknown.

In the latter part of life on Mu, Atlantis was rising, as the 5th root race of man was brought into being on a massive island, in what is now the Atlantic. As they were then partaking in the experiment which was Atlantis, life there was formed in the 5th dimensional state, and completely separate from Mu. However, as the Atlanteans then started to make their presence felt, and interaction took place, the androgynous Mu’ans for the first time encountered the bodily forms of fellow earth citizens, and two distinctive genders.

This was not the first time they had ever encountered these forms, but they suddenly realized that the Atlanteans had something which they did not have – two separate genders, who could unite in sexual union and apparently this union brought some kind of bliss and energy which they Mu’ans thought they were losing out on.

After all – although they could have offspring they did not need to merge with anyone else, merely a desire to bring forth another being like them-selves and it would happen.

In the history of mankind there were always those who would jump onto the band wagon, and decide to take matters in their own hands – even if this went against the Laws of creation and against what the Divine had perfectly created. In this instance, the androgynous form.

There were then certain High Priests who decided that they would experiment and find a way of splitting the androgynous form into two forms – male and female, which they managed to do, after many of those who volunteered to be experimented upon died in the process. So, they presented to the population of Mu, for the first time ever, the opportunity to experience life in two distinct forms, male and female and have the sexual energy, which some so thought they had been cheated out of.

So, more and more the Mu’an population went to these temples to have themselves split into two separate bodies.

As, with all of creation, when you go against cosmic and Divine laws of creation, you will load karma onto yourself in some form or another and pay the price for the choices you made, willingly and knowingly.

As much as the first delight in having sexual intercourse was there, some of those who had the operation, felt intensely let down. The sexual energy was not at all what they fantasized it to be (for some). For others it became addictive, as they did not have the rites of passage that the Atlanteans had before it was also corrupted, which helped people in Atlantis to understand the secret rites associated with the correct use of the sexual energies.

So the first time then, they one could merge in sexual union with as many other halves or other halves, as they wished to. One could even have this with the Atlanteans – and some knew no bounds. Of course this was bound to have repercussions.

Pain, anger and bewilderment started to arise for the first time ever in Mu, as two halves, found other halves more sexually interesting and entertaining than their own halves, and then separating more and more from their other half. However, all of this created a deep sense of void.

That void, of feeling of intense loss started to haunt the souls who did split in Mu: they would henceforth intensely FEEL the PAIN of the separation from their other half.

This more than any other, let to the downfall of the Mu civilization as for the first time infighting, anger, war and strive started to happen, and in such a war, Mu sank under the sea.

The souls then from Mu who separated have all more or less returned, to solve that sense of void, by having the opportunity to find that wholeness once more – that uniting with their other half – literally.

Some of these souls will have difficulty in defining their gender, for they will find that they are really both – male and female, which in truth they are! Many who are homosexual have karmic ties with Mu, or come from galaxies with androgynous forms.

Some have had such dramas with their other halves over many lifetimes that a lot of that pain will have to be cleared away and dissolved before true union can happen.

So the shadow of Mu is lingering upon them, and this will be more so, for those souls who took this experiment upon themselves – knowingly breaking Divine cosmic law.

In essence then these souls will have to do a lot of cleansing and clearing within and dissolve karmic residue before true union will be possible.

On the other hand that meeting with the other half will trigger an immense sense of joy, an immense sense of belonging at first, before all the emotional baggage makes its appearance again.

I do want to add, that there are souls who have managed to do the inner work and who truly are merging as one being again.

It is all about free will and choice.

With merging comes the forging into one single androgynous being again and it is as this single entity that they will ascend into the higher states of consciousness, should this be their wish.

For Twin flame Soul Readings visit my READING page