The New Children Part 2
Parenting the New Children Part 1 and 2
Parenthood for the New Children: PART 1:
Parenthood is a Life Calling.... It is not something one should embark on lightly. With it the questions: “Am I ready to become a Father? Mother?” With it come added responsibilities.... a Lifetime of caring, for small kids tend to be small problems and big kids become big problems.....
I am no expert in parenting.... I am merely a woman, who never has had children.... At a relatively early age I simply was told that I could never have children of my own. Loving children, as I did, that is still a huge sore spot in my heart and soul..... Yet, in a sense I have always had children to look after and guide all my life....
I have been the aunt who had to look after my divorced brothers’ children (being the youngest of six, there was no great age gap between me and my nephews and nieces) in the holidays, and as Librarian and Teacher, I have worked intensely with children..... In fact, these new children seem to hone into me wherever I go, sensing that I understand them perhaps better than anyone else that they happen to know.....
I am an Indigo myself.... ever the feeling of intense LOSTNESS, of being an ALIEN on this planet... so very different from my siblings, that my mother often wondering aloud, where this foundling came from...... Maybe that is why they find a kindred spirit in me.....
I am now talking especially to the women out there. If you are the type who is a career woman and whose greatest dream is to become a company director and climb the corporate ladder, then I think it is best to sit down and have to good think about taking on the role of mother! I have yet to come across one woman who could be the perfect wife, the perfect mother and the perfect career woman!
A lot of women are forced be economic facts of life to seek employment... and most suffer from severe stress and burn-out at some time in their life. The great irony of it all is that not only do their children suffer, but their husbands tend to stray, because they start feeling neglected, or they, themselves start looking elsewhere..... Fact is, that in the office, most people tend to put on their best-dressed selves, the same goes with lovers, without the warts and harsh realities of having to live day-in and day-out with someone...... and then still try to be the mother.... the nurturer and then one who keeps it all together.... Something, somewhere has to go.... the chain has to snap.....
The saddest stories I have ever had to listen to, was the women who came to cry on my shoulder (I often wonder at this, but because I am not married, they tend to envy me, and all the harsh realities of their lives come out in sobs on my shoulders....) because they woke up one morning..... with kids screaming.... the husband yelling at them... and when they finally manage to sit themselves down at the breakfast table... they look at this stranger they had married and committed to, and wondered what on earth they ever saw in him, and what made them have children......
Now, not all of you fall into that category.... Maybe you are a paragon of virtue who can be all to everyone.... if so, then you are one of a very rare type!
Now, a lot of the modern men tend to take on the role of nurturer.... some actually staying at home and taking care of the family! Now that takes a very special type of great caring heart to do that - and I salute the men who can do that. Yet, most men, are career orientated, as most men tend to love power and the power-plays that go with it.... the team games.... the competiveness..... That is in their very genes....
Parenthood brings with it lots of joys and delight.... but just as much sorrow and heartache.....
I remember my mother telling this to my very rebellious middle sister, who gave my mother her share of worries and heartaches. “One day, when you have children of your own... you will start appreciating me!” One day, after my mother had left this planet for good, my sister was crying on my shoulders, because of her very rebellious daughter who simply would not listen and had gotten herself in trouble! (I did not dare tell her, that I had quietly helped my niece, who had come to cry on the self-same shoulder!)
When two souls join together, in whatever capacity, they tend to draw those souls to them, that are wanting to incarnate onto this planet. These souls have been prepared for an incarnation by those Higher Guardians who look after the Halls of Records of Soul Entities, the Guardians of the Soul Schools, the Lords of Karma and Divine Director. If a soul is a high-ranking one, then such a soul, would have a Guardian Counsel of 24 or more Highly Advanced Masters.
Once a soul is briefed and ready for incarnation, a soul seeks a female to bond with.... this is the first bonding.... she will tend to hover around the chosen vessel.... If there is male who is there, she will bond with him as well.... This is something to take note of.... A soul SEEKS OUT BOTH... the MALE AND FEMALE.... EQUALLY>>> for what she or he seeks is the essence of the souls that she or he chooses as parents! This means the inherent DNA, the genes and the soul memory banks of these vessels!
(I want to stress this... For I have been told, that because of the high frequency of my own soul, I could only incarnate with parents who had a particular STRAIN of DNA... for we all share a gene pool... and those of us who were here at the beginning of the colonization of this planet, aeneons ago, share the same ALIEN DNA strain, that does not come from this planet... This is the high frequency strain, that we can incarnate on...... As they can adjust the frequencies and vibration as we mature into our Higher Selves....)
A soul also CHOSES the circumstances and milieu that it incarnates with - it has to be in line with the SOUL LESSONS and the SOUL GROWTH, or the type of conditions the soul wants to EXPERIENCE!
This is very important! We often lament about our parents, or the circumstances into which we were born.... but we CHOSE that, for it was a LEARNING CURVE our soul desired BEFORE WE INCARNATED!
We chose our parents, because of the TOUGHNESS of the LESSONS we needed to master (that is with some of us), others chose their parents for the QUALITIES they could bring to their soul.... OR FOR PROVIDING THE PERFECT SET OF CONDITIONS for them to grow..... NO-THING HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT! IT IS ALL PART OF A PERFECT DESIGN!
Before birth a soul is asked what lessons it would like to master and it CHOOSES this... Sometimes the Guardians will point out the severity of the circumstances on this planet... and will warn the soul that it might take on too much... YET SOME SOULS CHOSE THIS AS THIS PLANET IT ONE OF GREATEST SCHOOL IN MASTERING SOUL LESSONS AND MOVING ONTO HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS... BEINGNESS!!!
(I will continue with this in Part 2)
Judith Kusel
The Lessons of Parenthood can be summed up in one sentence: THE MASTERING OF THE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE!
From the moment of conception (and truly sensitive parents will both KNOW that moment that a child in conceived), the SOUL of the child is already there... starting to bond with the mother. It will be there from the moment the fetus is growing and developing.... it will bond to this with love and sending it high-frequency love waves....
This is why expecting mothers should try to nurture themselves and the precious life they are carrying as much as possible... In giving SELF-LOVE one is already learning the essence of LOVING in all its myriad of expressions.....
For the soul of a unborn child already KNOWS WHAT THE MOTHER IS THINKING, FEELING AND IF IT IS WANTED TO NOT! A lot of the feelings of abandonment, of not being loved, of being not wanted... stem from this time - the time BEFORE birth! If the parents of the child were fighting, or the pregnancy was not wanted, then the child will have problems adjusting to life - even before it was born!
This has been confirmed by Hynotherapists and Psychologists... and a lot of them use this method of trying to assist their patients in remembering trauma BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER BIRTH!
Thus the 9 months of pregnancy, are months of PREPARING THE SOUL FOR INCARNATION, as well as the mother and father for accepting the new addition to their lives.... This why bonding with the unborn child, by the stroking of the tummy... the sending of loving thoughts, the playing of beautiful, high-vibrational music, the talking with the child.... the bonding on so many levels, is already important.
The birthing process is also extremely stressful to the infant - the shock of being here on this planet is sometimes overwhelming... Water-births are the most stress-less of all birthing methods and the baby should, after birth, immediately be with the mother... incubators separate the child from the feeling of the mother and bonding truly with her...
Breastfeeding assist the bonding more than anything else.... Fathers who pick up the child and cradle it... let it sleep on his chest.... will help the child immensely.... The fragileness of a baby brings great feelings protectiveness, of care, of bonding.... It is in these moments that bonds are mostly formed..... For both parents the OUTER sight, sound and feel of the baby is a bonding on its own...
Of course the birth of a baby can be immensely stressful times for both partners... the constant waking up in the night... the sleeplessness.... the sudden time constrictions... the difference this makes to both of their lives....
One should guard against the children taking up the place of bonding and nurturing love between the partners, as this is where rifts already start appearing... and husbands sometimes start feeling left out, as some women start to get engrossed in the new baby.....
The bonding between a mother and child is mysterious, as it is essential. I am working with children who have very wealthy parents... but the children are being brought up by nannies and maids..... One can see the difference of those children, whose parents play an active role in their nurturing... and those who are left in the care of others! I can see it in the way these children CRAVE TOUCH, CRAVE ATTENTION and also, in the way THEIR MOTORING FUNCTIONS ARE DISFUNCTIONAL!
The first FIVE YEARS of a child is CRUCIAL! If the mother and father are both distant and absent in these years, then the child is already put into an ALIEN world, where he or she feels not wanted and not loved......
So many parents try to over-compensate for their absence by buying TOYS, GATGETS and anything else... when the child is quite happy to do without all of that... and just craves LOVE!!!
I have children tell me this over and over again! They have told me that they don’t WANT MONEY... THEY DON’T WANT GADGETS AND TOYS... THEY WANT MOMMY AND DADDY!
The health professions who deal with these children are picking this up. I have friends who are Social Nurses and Sisters, as well as Welfare Workers, telling me that children n resort to taking drugs, getting into the sex scenes, etc. because they CRAVE LOVE and ATTENTION! In a warped way, sometimes having TOO much money is leading them to seek LOVE elsewhere!
It is not that they will not put up fronts... they do! Shout their heads off at shopping centres because they WANT something.... when reality it often is that they feel the need for something deep inside of them, that they cannot express!
This is why I stress: What are your own priorities? Will you have time for your children?
From the word go, these new children will be extremely sensitive.... They will react to the environment... if the rooms in which they are put, even as a baby, disturb them in some way, they will end up crying.... Try to put high frequency sounds, music, colours in their rooms.... crystals, pictures of Unicorns.... nature...
I knew a granny, who in a great act of love for her grandchildren, painted the walls of their bedrooms with beautiful pictures of nature.... waterfalls, trees, animals.... amazing! She showed me their rooms, and it was like you were being transported into a magical wonder land! The kids LOVED it and they told me, that this was their DE-STRESS rooms, their own little sanctuaries... the eldest was twelve and the youngest three!
As babies, try to reconnect them with nature. These new children will be happiest in environments with have some greenery and beauty in some form or another. They come from planets and galaxies where life is abundant.... where all is in great harmony and balance... where nature and man live side by side and ENHANCE each other....
They are used to having lots of water and plants around them.... They are free spirits who naturally will hone into the elemental realms of the angels, faeries, the Unicorns.... They will see and sense things that you cannot see with your naked eye... the fact that you can’t see them, does not make them less real!
They will talk to these creatures, like imaginary friends.... They will laugh and play with them.... They will take delight in birds and butterflies... in creepy crawlies.... and their inquisitive natures will go into the garden, and explore it.... from touching the leaves of flowers and plants, to crawling after whatever engages their interest....
The more pets that they can bond with and learn to nurture and care for, the better. They love dogs, cats, rabbits, horses..... The fact that they receive so much unconditional love and acceptance from these creatures and give the same back, enhances their sense of belonging and well-being!
Part 3 to follow....