Inner / outer journeys - Travels in Southeastern Africa
Lost in the mists of time...
Swirling mist infolding me... Nothing but the ancient stone ruins and me... and the wild horses....
It is daytime but the mists thickens.... I do not care..
My heart is aching... Woke up in the morning with a heavy heart and one that was nearly breaking and I do not mind the wet, the mist and horses.... For somehow is seems an appropriate setting for all that is in me.... So I simply let myself be led wherever my feet seemed to go....
I look at the stones in utter amazement.... gradually the stones, the horses, the mist and me merge into one.... I find that I am lost in a wonderland where time is non-existent and where I can simply forget all and be....
For in the swirling mist nobody goes near the stones.... it is just me and the horses and no-one else.... from faraway I sometimes hear voices but then I ask the horses to protect me, already enfolded in protection of the angels all around me....
My attention is suddenly caught by the eye of Horus, appearing out of blue and an almost sphinx-like statue..... the staring eyes seem to be looking into the distance and are showing me the way...
Something changes.... I feel the energy changing.... the vibration and the frequencies change.... and there..... yes, there is something there I had not noticed before.... I clamber over some rocks and overgrowth.... and see steps, clearly etched in the stone.... I climb them and land up on a type of platform and there comes a deep sense of standing on holy ground.... consecrated ground....
I pause.... And I remember that there are guardians at such places and one first has to ask permission before access in granted....
I call in my guardian angels, the spirit guides, my Archangels and Ascended Masters, especially Serapis Bey as he is the one who is the Ascended Master in charge of the African Continent, and especially the Giza line, the pyramids and all that is visible and invisible on this continent....
I ask them to please contact the guardians of this place and to ask them if they would please give permission for me to enter.... I am then told that I will have to also ask the compendium of Angels of Atlantis to join us.... I see all of them gathered now clearly...
There is one moment of complete silence.... time is no essence.... I feel the mist getting thicker and the moist drops wetting my hair.... I have my jersey cap over my head, but now are asked to even put the hood of my raincoat up....
Suddenly I feel the presence of Beings and I see the twelve gathered there and they are surrounding me, with me in the middle. Silently they are welcoming me in and asking me to step forward.
Without even given the instruction I give the Namaste greeting 7 times in all four directions and I am then allowed to go past that portal. I feel I am being blessed and then I am shown the way.
For one moment the mist lift and then I see it.... A beautiful place, with the most amazing natural garden and there is a waterway.... I sense that once there must have been a beautiful waterfall in this place..... The plants seem as if belonging to this cliff and I see faces carved in the Cliffside... the mist making them surrealistic.... I see lion-type faces that remind me of the Sphinx and then I see the Horus is guarding everywhere.... Something is pointing me upwards.... I look over Horus’s statue and the platform standing there and I see the huge face behind it....
For one moment I think that this is the carving of a Sphinx as the hair reminded me of a mane.... but then I realize this is not a lion but a human being. This being is sitting on a huge stone throne and dominates the whole seen. The nose is prominent as are the features and the hair is falling over to its shoulders.... It is amazing.... I can make out the arms loosely held on its lap.... and then the legs.... sitting like a King on a massive throne....
I ask the guardians of this place who this is. They tell me that this is was and is a shrine dedicated to Enki – as these stones are the ruins of Enki’s beloved city.... And sure enough the statue is one of giant and the features somehow remind one of tranquillity.... as does the place...
I am profoundly moved as I sense that this is a holy place.... It has a timelessness about it that is not easy to describe.... I can’t find words.... I just stand there for a long time and just drink it in.... I ask permission to sit and I do so and then she appears in front of me – the great Mother – Inanna – and I feel a connection there that is profoundly moving and I realize that somehow she is as connected to this place as her brother Enki was....
We have a long conversation – Inanna and me – and I pour out my heart to her. She asks me what is bothering me and I tell her. I can feel the loving energy coming to me and she takes me in her arms and embraces me.... It is so profoundly touching.... I am deeply moved.....
She tells me how she loved this place. How they created the new race who were to help and how much they loved them.... She tells me that Michael was drawn to this place because of his infinite connection here –as was I. That we are meant to work together as one – as this is a work that we have to do.... It is a calling..... More is given to me, which I cannot record....
I eventually get up and then as I thank the guardians of this place, and all my other helpers I am led to the place where I can go again – and suddenly out of the mist seven horses appear and I realize that they were silently guarding me all the time....
When I at last emerge from the mist and am back in the village – to my utter amazement I realize that I had been there the WHOLE day – yet it seemed but a few minutes. Another amazing fact was that I had done a COMPLETE CIRCLE in the mist, without consciously doing so.... It is quite amazing.....
Now I feel the wet and cold.... I am sodden.... my socks, my jeans, raincoat and hair are all wet and I have to take a warm shower and feel better.... Yet, I sit for ages thinking about it all....
The next morning I go off wandering again, but this time further afield. The more I wander the more I realize that here I am in the great remains of a huge palace that once stood here....
I recognize the sphinx and the faces of a certain type of gargoyle everywhere, but all is strewn about. I clearly see a massive doorway across the path.... and then I wander further and further..... I suddenly sense that I am being watched and I am told to lay low.... I am told to find shelter and go ever deeper into the rocks where I am told to cuddle up close to a giant rock sheltering me....
It is here amongst the ferns and the rocks that I sit and meditate....
I call in my helpers again and ask to talk to the Guardians of this place once more....
Then to my amazement Inanna appears in front of me and with her Enki, her brother...
And they tell me of the splendour of this place.... They tell me of how is used to look... Huge place, massive pillars and storeys high, with hanging gardens and waterfalls, like the hanging gardens of Babylon.....
It was the jewel in the crown – the pride and joy of Enki – his beloved city and it was a teaming metropolis – it was a happy place in the sense that all worked together – it was peaceful and well administered....
I then look at the stones and structures and I ask, then what has happened here....
Then Inanna, weeping, tells me how two brothers fought – and how their weapons melted down and destroyed the whole place – and finally, how the great palace was bombarded and destroyed in one massive explosion and blow..... the whole structure tumbled, until only these pillars and foundation stones were the only reminder of what once has been... as well as the odd head and figure that I see here and there...
“Don’t ever let this happen again..... My heart is bleeding.... There must be no more wars between brothers and there must come a time of peace.... That is why you are being called here now – why we allowed the guardians of this place to let this be discovered and made known to the this planet after all this time.... we want the wounds to be healed and that people learn to get pride and ego out of the way.... to work as one and reign in peace...
“You are both called to this work for you have always been working together – and this has been repeated in Atlantis, where he was with you until the end to help save the White Flame..... He is genuine ....
“You need to activate the grids, the whole of the energy fields and the pyramids.... We are helping you.... You are ever beloved for your heart is pure and so is your intention..... It is because of this that you were drawn here and drawn to meet up with him.... This is why you need to stay here as there is great work that needs to be done.... We humbly ask you to stay and do this work....”
They all take leave of me....
I am left with a profound sense of something I cannot describe.... The tears seem to be hovering ......
So I leave and return to eat and try to write....
I leave as there are strange men lurking around there and I do not want company – I just want to be alone and on my own....
So I wander once more around and I find the mist, the stones and the horses suddenly appear and I follow them.... I find an enclosure and I sit down on one of the stones – I get the overwhelming sense of profound tragedy....
The tears finally come – the tears that have been within me since seeing Adam’s Calendar