Inner / outer journeys - The Eland, San and energy lines....
The Eland, San and energy lines of Southeastern Africa
A few years ago I was asked to give a talk on the San (Bushman) people of Southern Africa, at an International Gathering for a History-in-Action programme. Strangely enough this had come after I had been led to read up a lot about these people...
Delving into the Colonial Offices’ documents, read through my own family’s papers, (luckily my family had recorded their experiences on the African continent in detail, as they settled here from Hanover and Lower Saxony, from what used to be the State of Hanover (before the Unification of Germany under Bismarck), as well as those of the Hanoverian Lutheran Mission Society in Natal, and all the other books and papers I could get hold of....
My brother, Dr. Udo Kusel, is an ethnologist, archaeologist, and historian, who has done a lot of research on origin of the Nguni cattle and African dogs. The DNA of the self-same domesticated animals, all point to Ancient Egypt for their origin, where paintings of the same are found on the walls of the Ancient tombs. Both of these, came to Southern Africa, via a different route.... via the Nomadic Tribal people of Africa, eg. The Zulus, who slowly made their way down, from somewhere on the western shores of Africa... before being brought to a halt, by the San people.
The origin of the San people is a mystery. Their DNA goes back 200 000 years on the Southern African continent. Their DNA IS UNIQUE... and not related to any other African tribal people..... They not only LOOK different.... they simply ARE different... a stone age remnant of a tribe of people lost in the mists of time...
Interestingly, in their own legends they record that they were CREATED by a GOD, WHO STEMS FROM THE PLEIADAS.... According to them, the Insect people were the fist... only then, the human species were created. Thus, the Praying Mantis is one of their Gods....
The more I stumbled upon these people, and started gathering information, the more my own research on the Energy Centres in Southern Africa, led me to the their sites..... At one stage, I seemed to be haunted by them... stumbling upon their sacred almost by chance....
What is so interesting about these people, is that one of the animals they held as sacred and holy, was the Eland. The Eland is one of largest antelopes in Southern Africa, and the only one, who has a deposit of fat stored around its heart. Most of the sacred places of San, were, where the Eland were plentiful and available in great herds.
What was even MORE interesting, is that the Eland is only found in SPECIFIC areas of Southern Africa, small and isolated pockets AND MOSTLY, I FOUND, EXACTLY WHERE THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATION ENERGY CENTRES WHERE.... Now was that co-incidental, or by design?
Their shamans always called in the Eland, when the tribe was in great need for fat in their meagre diets.
The Eland was asked to sacrifice itself.... When the Eland was hunted, and killed the Shamans used the blood of the Eland, mixed with ochre for the shamanic paintings on the walls of the sacred places of their people.... Every single part of the Eland was used... the fat first given to the elderly and weak of the tribe... then the rest equally distributed... and even the bones used in one way or another....
The horn of Eland was used by shamans for RAIN- MAKING purposes... The early colonists in Natal recorded their amazing ability to bring down torrents of rain upon their enemies, when they were hunted down, like animals, by the self-same colonists....
What was even more amazing about the Shamans, was, that it has been recorded, (and modern scientists have proved this to be true), that in a TRANCE-STATE they GROW MANES, LIKE LIONS.... THEY BECOME LIKE LIONS... or LION-MEN/WOMEN!
I simply did not quite know what to make of all the information I was gathering... for at the same time I was being led to the high energy centres of Natal.... I would start connecting to the ley lines... the earth energy lines... and with it stumbled on information which pointed to a far older civilization, that that of the San... a forgotten people.... who were there long before the Nabiru started mining gold in Africa and started tampering with human genetics.....
The more I started travelling through Southern African, the more I seemed to be led to these centres... and always found signs of these people and the Eland, wherever sacred energy spots were.....
It was almost like these people where trying to tell me something.... to whisper in my ear.... to try and nudge me towards doing what I had to do... and to open my inner hearing and seeing, in order to find what I was supposed to find..... to do what I had to do....
(Just as a byway.... from my book(s))