Dreams, Visions

Dreaming the dream.....

Dreaming the dream“Every great dream begins with the dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

(Harriet Truman)

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”

(Pamela Varell Starr)

We are going through a time of tremendous shifts... not only in the outer, and invisible spheres, but deep within our very selves. It is not only we... the world is going through rapid changes, and with it the old is simply not working anymore... or is starting to die a slow death...

We find changes frightening and painful at times. It is not that we search for changes so much, as we know, deep down, that there has to be something better, somewhere, somehow....

This planet was created by a dream... a dream that somebody dreamt, a long time ago.... When this galaxy, and with it this universe and solar system were birthed, this planet first consisted of gasses... and then slowly but surely mass was formed... And then from the mass, a planet was formed... Yet, there were moments, when someone saw the potential of the mass, and life started forming... and from there other life forms were introduced, until she shone with her incredible beauty - the jewel in the crown of all creation...

See someone saw the potential in her, long before she was born...

All great structures that were ever built on this planet, first were conceived in the mind and heart of a dreamer.... The dreamer then put this dream on paper, and somewhere, somehow found the mathematical equations to formulate whatever was needed to built that dream... The Great Pyramid of Giza, or the one in Mexico, and elsewhere..... these tremendous structures, were first a mere dream that someone dreamt, and then that dream materialized into form....

Great music, and great art, all started somewhere in someone’s mind, inner sight or inner hearing. I know of a talented musician, who simply in her dreams and with her inner ear hears the most beautiful music... the next morning she gets up early and simply starts playing this on the piano and starts jotting down what she had dreamt of....

We all have a dream somewhere deep down, and this is what life is all about. We should never stop dreaming and never ever give up on our dreams. Sometimes it might take some time to get them going, for some dreams simply need foundation and structures... they need time to manifest into form. There are moments of discouragement, or when we wonder how we are ever going to be able to complete them, yet, we know in our hearts and souls, that this is our own unique gift that we are bringing into the world, and that it is going to make a difference....

In Ancient times there was a dream for this planet... When the first civilizations were birthed they had a vision and dream for this planet... and they set out to put their dreams into actions... yet, all did not dream the same dream and some simply started destroying the dreams of others.... Destruction came when continents sank under the seabed, and landmasses were destroyed...

Yet, that dream lived on...

We are living in the time, when those ancient dreams are being re-awakened. A lot of us were the very souls, who dreamt the first dreams, and we incarnated at this time, to remember our dreams and to assist taking the world into a new phase of its life-frame....

Slowly but surely the ancient memory banks are being reawakened, as are we, and we are now starting to bring together our talents and abilities, so that the ancient dreams are manifesting all around and within us....

As the energies are getting more and more potent, we will start finding the Mystery is unfolding once more... The Alchemical Union... the Alchemical fusion.... and the Quest for the Holy Grail... all are awakened with us... It is as if we have started a mystical pilgrimage on which we are asked to past certain tests of valour and strength of commitment towards finding a better way of life and of living... where we are asked to remember the truth of beautiful balance and harmony, and how to truly work from our hearts and not just from our minds....

The Mystical always brings with it the Unkown, the Uncharted, yet, the path, the map, the keys, are all buried deep within us and our collective psyche. We have merely forgotten that the path into the deeper, and hidden Mysteries are encoded within ourselves... yet not just in there...

We were left clues in the crystal skulls and pyramids... They are not the REAL ones, they merely are SYMBOLS, reminding us of where to start looking for clues...

The Mystical reveals itself in numbers, in certain ways that these repeat... In sacred geometry and in the very portals which are opening up in our own minds and souls....

Yet, most of all, the Mystical reveals itself in the heart, mind, soul and spirit of the dreamer.... for within the dream of every dreamer, the mystical start awakening the dream from deep within... Whatever we dream, form part of the larger cosmic dream for this planet... and thus by giving shape and form to our dream, we are acting as co-creators of the eternal dream and the Eternal Dreamer who birthed it all....