Awakening to the higher states of consciousness

Awakening to the higher states of consciousness

AwakeningHow does one awaken to the higher states of consciousness?
I am often asked this question by many of you.
To me it is a process, for essentially awakening comes, then one starts asking questions, about why one is here on this planet, the meaning of life itself, and then most of all, the greatest question of all: WHY AM I HERE?
Many of us, will go through life, feeling a void. It is as if there is something deep within us, that is like a gaping hole. It is there, painful, and we are aware of this subconsciously. Most often, when we are still trapped in the 3D world, one would try to appease this, or fill it up with material things, by using drugs, or sex, or something which gives an adrenalin rush, but once we have had that rush, the old life, with all its problems, that void is still there, and by running away from it, that void has just gotten greater, or deeper, or is felt more profoundly.
A lot of people believe that romantic love will fill that void. When I meet my Divine Other, then they will fill gothis void. The truth is that nobody else can fill up your void - only you, yourself can.
When we truly start asking questions about why this void is, and why we are here on this planet at all, we will often find that we are led to go searching for answers. Some of us, will be led to teachers or gurus - yet the teacher or guru, can only SHOW us the way - he or she cannot fill that void for us, unless we go and pick up a spade, and start digging deep within.
When I do soul readings, then the soul attributes, talents and abilities will come shining through and essentially this, is what makes the soul sing, what it is tuned into, and what it is meant to do, here, while on this planet. The soul itself, is COMPLETE and feel no void - it will only feel a void if it is not tuned into and if its higher calling and purpose is not fully activated or acknowledged.
I love the old myths and legends, for essentially they are telling you the journey inside of yourself, in the form of storytelling: Thus the hero, lets call him the Knight, goes in search of the Holy Grail, which really is the search for MEANING. He then, during this journey, will encounter obstacles, will have to climb mountains, go through the valley of death, encounter vicious dragons, and have to rescue maidens in distress. All of this really a metaphor for the whole inner journey of rediscovery and initiations which you will have to go through, in order to find your own inner true core - that Holy Grail and then find the proverbial Gold mine, inside of yourself - where it has been all along.
The deeper you delve into this void, this mystery, the more profound the revelations become, and the more you start losing parts of yourself: this means the parts which no longer SERVE you, which are outdone. Often we have to be retuned, fine-tuned and in-tuned, in order to find our true soul selves, for the we have to start shedding all the old patterns, old programs, and the old ways of life, and then die onto all of this, and then experience a total REBIRTHING.
Jesus touches on this whole inner quest, in the conversations with Nicodemus at night time. He practically tells Nicodemus, that he can only find the Keys to Heaven, if he sheds his old Adam, dies onto the old Adam, and allows himself to be reborn.
This whole dying onto the old, is a process, and one goes through it step by step. If this happens too suddenly, then one will not be able to handle it, for with every shedding of skin, you own vibrations and frequencies go up - you literally become LIGHTER and therefore LIT up from WITHIN.
THere are 14 steps towards the integration and full activation of the higher MASTERY within each and every one of us, and this then allows one to start working with the MONAD, the OVERSOUL and SOUL GROUP and with those Ascended Masters and Beings of Light, who act as guardians of your soul. You also work of course with the reawakening of your own soul connection with the DIvine Source, with the Christ Consciousness and with the Holy Spirit, the threefold flame of LOVE, WISDOM AND POWER.
One brings in and learns to work with the Mahatma energy, who embodies all 352 levels of God and learns to call in the cosmic council of 12 and 24 elders who surround the Throne of Grace.
It is here that one then starts working more and more with Archangels, Angels, and the Elohim and then also with the Planetary and cosmic LOGOS, those amazing Beings of Light which bring more and knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment.
I am teaching all of this and more and how to learn to tap into the SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS field, in my ELYSIUM ARISE MYSTERY AND MASTERY SCHOOL.