Acting as co-creators
”The greater the power that deigns to serve you, the more honor it demands of you.” (Socrates)
In the darkest nights of my soul, when all of my old life was literally falling apart at the seams, I asked myself a very simple question: – I asked myself, why in all the world, my soul chose to be born in Africa?
That one single question changed my whole life, and first reconnected me with my soul, and its involvement with the creation of this planet, at the very beginning!
As jigsaw puzzle piece, by jigsaw puzzle piece was revealed to me, my whole concept of who and what I am, and why I am here on this planet changed overnight. I often stood in awe, wonder and amazement at the perfection of Creation and the Creator, and for the first time I understood, that in truth I am a daughter of God, and more than this, that in truth my soul is a co-creator with the Divine. Thus whatever I create – I have to take responsibility for!
I remember that when I first asked that question, I was told to go and find an atlas. I had no atlas (or at least the ones I had were not mine) so I went and bought one. I was asked to find a map of Africa, and I was asked to pinpoint and mark in red the place where I was born. I was told that it was no accident that I was born there, but my grand design. I was told that it was the only place on this planet where the frequencies and vibrations were high enough for my soul to enter, and more than this, is was shrouded in the mists of obscurity, and that one day, the reason for this will reveal itself.
Then I was asked to mark in red longitude and latitude lines and then told that the earth had shifted many times on its axle and that with this the whole atlas was in fact lopsided. So, many a time I was asked to go and turn the whole thing upside down!
Amidst all of this, as my soul memory banks started opening up, as I was starting to raise my own frequency and vibrations, by meditating, and also by jotting down what I had been given, and starting to trust whatever that was, not only did a totally new history of this planet unfold, but my own ability to read the earth’s energy lines (without aid of geomancy or anything like that and by simply looking at an atlas, or travelling through landscapes), came to the fore.
It was out of all of this, that my ability to tap into the Super-consciousness fields (which I now am able to use for my soul readings) emerged. Travelling through landscapes, I not only could read the energy lines, but I could read what had been purposefully HIDDEN or what have been lost to mankind for millions of years!
All of this I have recorded in my book: “Why I was born in Africa – the true history of how the planet was created, and the subsequent history of the first civilizations on planet earth which has never been recorded before” Since then I have conformation for a lot of what I recorded from geologist, and thus has proven to be accurate.
I am sharing this with you, for amidst all of this, I finally understood, that we all have been given the inherent powers to tap into a massive energy field, which is cosmic, and which is part of a grand design by the Divine itself.
Our souls, as such, have immense abilities, and have massive soul memory banks to tap into, for only a tiny fraction of our souls incarnate onto this planet. Thus other parts of your own soul, are working, living and being, existing in other dimensions, galaxies, star systems and forms, which are far more highly evolved than this planet.
If you can even tap into the tiniest fraction of what you are capable of remembering at soul level, then you will finally understand that you in truth are a son and daughter of God, and that you have to power to co-create with the Creator. However, there is a big BUT here – within the cosmic laws as set out by the Creator itself.
With being a co-creator, come RESPONSIBILITY. To those whom much is given by way of power, much is expected, and the greatest expectancy, is truth, integrity and the purity of intent.
As I started to record the true history of mankind, as it was 900 000 000 (million) years ago, something that struck me was the absolute high technology, the immense harmony, and bliss which reigned on the planet then. This is technology, and an immensity of Being, which we have totally forgotten about! Indeed, we have sunk back into the early stone ages of existence.
That is why most archeologists, stand in front of massive stone slabs, weighing tons, and then try to assimilate this in the most primitive way imaginable, and conjure up slave who had to drag these massive rocks up ramps, because they say, that the wheels were not invented. Even as a child, when the teachers first told us this story, I sat and laughed! Even as a child I remembered that this was not true! They had no need for wheels or transport, or massive machines to haul up things – they knew how to dissolve matter and then to reassemble matter – all in an eyewink!
It is truly all a matter of energy, vibrations and frequencies.
However, there is a snag here and that is something that most people do not understand.
The snag is that unless, we purify ourselves from deep within, and we raise our own consciousness sufficiently, we will not be able to tap into these massive energy fields, and the ancient technology etc. will stay out of our reach.
The reasons for this is, that when the first discord was sown, and the first laser designated which created war, the Intergalactic Counsel, declared that it would put all of this knowledge and technology on hold, until such time that mankind would prove itself worthy of receiving this knowledge and then use it in a responsible manner and not use it to destroy and enslave each other!
It was safeguarded in such a way, that when the time was right and the planet could ascend into the higher states of consciousness, that those souls who were involved as co-creators at the beginning would be reborn.
However, they would be put through severe initiations in the inner planes, and only be given access to this information, when they have proven themselves pure enough, in soul, heart, and intent, to retrieve the information in higher service for the collective whole – and never in self-service or in service of the negative ego.
For with the immense responsibility of co-creatorship being bestowed on mankind all those millions of years ago – we failed miserably!
We failed to later understand that whatever we create has to be within cosmic law, and for the greater good of all concerned. We started inventing and creating things which ultimately led to wars, destruction, to disease and to the mass destruction of the planet. We tended to use our abilities to destroy and not to create something greater, and in higher alignment with the rest of the cosmos.
Unless there balance, harmony and beauty, within ourselves, whatever we create will be out of balance, bring discord, and will create ugliness or deformity in some or other way.
This is essentially what Socrates addressed here when he said: when the power deigns to serve you – it demands honor within you!
Honor here means truth, integrity and the intent to create WHOLENESS, GOODNESS, and something for the GREATER GOOD OF ALL.
As long as we create Chem trails, pollution, discord, wars, etc. mankind will not be able to find harmony within.
Essentially the responsibility to create balance and harmony and bliss, is our individual responsibility.
It is our responsibility to get our own house in order.
We have to create the changes within, so that we can create the changes without.
This is our sole responsibility.
As long as your own inner self is at-war with itself, as long as your do not love and honor yourself and your Creator, as long as your ego reigns, then this is essentially what you will sow and reap in your life and that is what you bring into the world at large. That is essentially your own power and your own responsibility as co-creator.
You are the creator of your own world!
That is why, that inner cleansing and clearing is so necessary, and why we constantly have to monitor our thoughts, and still our minds. When we delve deeper into our hearts and souls, and reconnect with truth and integrity and purity of our own soul, as its highest level, and live congruent to our highest soul self, then we can do and be no other than the truth we are!
Such is cosmic law and such is our greatest call to honor at this time!
The interesting thing is that the more you do this, the more unity consciousness emerges and the more you understand that you are all that is and all that is, is you! There is no separation. You are the planet and the planet is you. You are the war mongerer and you are the peace maker. You are in essence the whole calamity and the whole cure.
As you change within – the outer world changes.
For soul readings information go to my READINGS page